本日の談話テーマ: 「『意識』を完全否定した行動心理学」

最新情報: 「ChatGPT談話室」記事シリーズの企画を開始した目的等については、以下の「メタ心理学者とChatGPTの談話室 その一」の記事を参照してください。

この投稿は、(株)オフィス北岡代表の北岡泰典が配信する「メタ心理学者とChatGPTの談話室 その29」です。


以下の文章は、(株) オフィス北岡代表の北岡泰典が Note で発信した投稿の引用となっています。


ChatGPT FAQ #29 (14/3/23):

I have been studying neuroscientists for years, nearly all of whom state that Behavioral Psychology à la Watson and Skinner completely got rid of the word “Consciousness” from the psychological terminology, which atrophied the academic study of consciousness for decades, at least until the advent of cognitive psychology during the fifties.

Please comment on this subject.

It is true that behaviorism, as developed by Watson and Skinner, largely ignored the concept of consciousness in their approach to psychology. Instead, behaviorists focused on observable behavior and sought to explain it in terms of environmental factors and stimulus-response relationships.

This approach, which became dominant in psychology in the early part of the 20th century, had the effect of sidelining the study of consciousness, which was seen as subjective and difficult to measure. As a result, the study of consciousness was largely relegated to the realm of philosophy and other non-scientific disciplines.

However, it is important to note that the decline of behaviorism as the dominant approach to psychology in the 1950s paved the way for the emergence of cognitive psychology, which sought to understand mental processes such as perception, attention, memory, and problem-solving. This renewed interest in the study of mental processes, including consciousness, helped to revitalize the academic study of consciousness.

Furthermore, contemporary neuroscience has made significant strides in understanding the neural correlates of consciousness, and there is now a growing body of research exploring the nature of subjective experience and its relationship to brain function.

While behaviorism may have temporarily inhibited the study of consciousness in psychology, the emergence of cognitive psychology and the continued progress of neuroscience have helped to bring the study of consciousness back to the forefront of scientific inquiry.

下が、DeepL の翻訳結果 (未編集) です。

Q: 私は長年、神経科学者を研究してきましたが、そのほぼ全員が、ワトソンとスキナーの行動心理学が心理学用語から「意識」という言葉を完全に排除したと述べており、少なくとも50年代の認知心理学の登場まで、数十年にわたって意識の学術研究を萎縮させました。


A: ワトソンやスキナーによって発展した行動主義が、心理学へのアプローチにおいて意識の概念をほとんど無視したことは事実です。その代わりに、行動主義者は観察可能な行動に焦点を当て、それを環境要因や刺激と反応の関係で説明しようとしました。






北岡泰典「メタ心理学宣言」ページ: https://www.kitaoka.co/meta/

作成 2023/4/29